
Identity #06

The identity number 06 is a metaphor of the temporal flow passed along the first 20 years of the studium's career. This identity also represents an assumption of the studium recognised for its analytical and critical value and its eternally disconcerting and restless positioning.

Identity #06

The sixth identity culminates in several developments in its dissemination. Two of these moments are the monography and the exhibition. Manifestos 01 and 02, written by the studium’s creative director Catarina Rodrigues, establish the artistic direction of these communication elements.

The manipulation of the 'S' is crucial to the design of the supports that accompany the 06 studium identity. Techniques such as cutting, stretching, disintegrating, repeating define the images of Flux-Time identity.

Dynamism is one of the concepts, which by being associated with time and the flow of time, establish the creation of elements such as animations or drawings with this language.