The Monstruktor is the persona and brand of the author Sérgio Miguel Magalhães, whose main focus are the expression and thinking process, applied to different realities in his life and his surroundings.
This graphic identity is the reflection of a changing moment, with the migration from the tumblr blog to his own website. This is definitely one of the biggest steps towards the author’s recognition and statement.
That’s why identity is a necessary approach so that Sérgio can be known by its strong and coherent imagery that defines the author and his dedication to others, showing them always more. More about people, awareness, social interactions, amongst many others aspects of life…
In 2018 we present a one of a kind proposal, based on the deep knowledge of the author as well as the presence of a “curator”.
The colors, shapes and typography are meant to define the best of this man. The oddity is a strong key point that is as visible in the identity, as it is in almost every aspect of the author himself.